Dave W. Pumplin

October 01 – December 01, 2006

pumplinThe Weise Gallery currently features the photographs of Dr. Dave W. Pumplin. His interest in photography began in grade school, helping his dad make Christmas cards in a basement darkroom. In middle school, he took his first photographs with a Kodak Brownie camera. After many years of working with a film camera, Pumplin “went digital” three years ago.

For much of his research career, he has been an electron microscopist, honing his enlarging skills by producing micrographs for publication and grant applications. Both in the laboratory and outside it, his object has been to present images that both convey information and that are beautiful. He is attracted to combinations of shapes and colors, some subtle, some bold, and looks for patterns that might be, at first, hidden. He also enjoys photographing children, especially for their unforced openness of expression.

Pumplin says, “Life can be hard, so I believe we are here to comfort each other, and to help make the road easier. But the world is full of uplifting beauty, too; photography is my way of looking for that beauty and sharing it.”

Pumplin has had photographs accepted at the Washington School of Photography juried show and recently was awarded first prize in the nature category in a photography contest for the North Central Rail Trail.

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