A Practical Guide to Contemporary Pharmacy Practice and Compounding
Handbook on preparing compounded prescription formulations
Available as a print book
AHFS Drug Information
Lists drugs in monograph format by drug classes
Includes information on other uses, different preparations, chemistry and stability, and special populations
Drug monographs provide detailed information about adverse effects and renal dosing
Information is supported by clinical trials
Available as a print book and online in the Lexicomp database (by searching for a drug, then clicking More Results > AHFS DI)
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Adverse Effects
General Information
Access through MICROMEDEX through general search by product name
Includes information about herbals, vitamins, minerals, other dietary supplements, and acupuncture
Includes information about dosing, pharmacokinetics, and clinical use of natural products
Addresses issues related to safety and efficacy
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Natural Products
American Academy of Pediatrics website
Provides information on pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as pediatric health information for lay public and healthcare professionals
Provides policies and recommendations about the treatment and management of disease
Access via http://www.aap.org
Animal Drugs@FDA
Searchable database of information on animal drug products approved by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
Freely available online
Applied Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
Overview of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics as they relate to patient care
Describes the impact of pharmacogenetics
Available as an ebook in AccessPharmacy
Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Provides general overview pharmacokinetic principles
Focuses on the practical application of pharmacokinetics in patient care
Includes information about a variety of drugs (e.g., aminoglycosides, vancomycin, digoxin, antiarrhythmics, anticonvulsants, theophylline, etc.)
Available in AccessPharmacy and as a print book (by L. Bauer)
Applied Therapeutics: The Clinical Use of Drugs
A case-based review of pathophysiology and pharmacotherapy for common disease states
Chapters are organized by organ system
Formerly edited by Koda-Kimble
Previous edition (10th, 2013) available as a print book from the HSHSL
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
ASHP Drug Shortages List
List of current and resolved drug shortages maintained by ASHP
Freely available online
ASHP Injectable Drug Information: A Comprehensive Guide to Compatibility and Stability
Published by ASHP
Provides comprehensive information on stability and compatibility of parenteral drug products only – for non-injectable drugs, refer to DRUGDEX for storage/stability information
The IV compatibility portion can be accessed via MICROMEDEX and Lexicomp
Available as an ebook and as part of an online database
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Stability & Compatibility
Basic & Clinical Pharmacology
Overview of pharmacology principles and details of specific drugs
Organized by therapeutic class
Available as an ebook in AccessPharmacy
Basic Clinical Pharmacokinetics
Text is divided into two sections: basic principles and drug for pharmacokinetic monitoring
Includes case-studies to facilitate application to clinical practice
Older edition (4th, 2004) available as a print book from the HSHSL, 5th edition (2010) available from the Loyola Notre Dame Library by request
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data
Reviews common laboratory tests and summarizes interpretation of test results
Tests organized by organ system
Includes information on physiology, common disorders, factors affecting tests, and normal values
Available as an ebook from the HSHSL
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Lab Tests
Brody's Human Pharmacology: Mechanism-Based Therapeutics
Student-focused textbook on the therapeutic impact of pharmacology
Organized by organ system
Available as a print book from the HSHSL
Casarett & Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons
Textbook on general toxicology principles, toxic agents, and environmental toxicology
Available as a print book and an ebook from the HSHSL – ebook is in AccessPharmacy
CDC Yellow Book
Health information for international travel, including pre-travel vaccine recommendations and guidance about infectious diseases
Updated every two years
Available on the CDC website
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Website
Information and data about infectious diseases worldwide
Freely available online
Summaries of adverse drug reactions
Also info on drug interactions, medication errors, and market withdrawals
Journal, published bimonthly
Available online through the HSHSL
Clinical Pharmacology
Drug monographs, investigational drug info, drug class summaries, drug interactions, IV compatibility, drug ID, patient education handouts
Online database, not available through the HSHSL
Conn's Current Therapy
Evidence-based information and expert opinion on a variety of disease states
Updated annually
Available as a print book
Collection of package inserts (also called drug labels) maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine
Prescribing information from the FDA
A publicly available website
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
General Information
Demystifying Drug Dosing in Renal Dysfunction
Published by ASHP
Evidence-based recommendations for drug dosing in acute and chronic renal dysfunction
Includes special populations such as patients in critical care, pediatrics, and organ transplant
Available as an ebook from the HSHSL
Dialysis of Drugs
Dietary Supplement Label Database
Published and maintained by the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements
Includes photos of product labels as well as the information from the label
Can search by product, manufacturer, or ingredient
Freely available online
Drug Facts & Comparisons
Comprehensive drug information listed by drug class
Contains appendix with useful charts including FDA pregnancy category, management of drug overdose and hypersensitivity reactions, pharmaceutical calculations, information on manufacturers, normal lab values, etc.
Electronic database updated monthly
Hardcopy updated annually
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Manufacturer Information
General Information
Stability & Compatibility
Drug Information Handbook (aka Lexi-Drugs)
Drug monographs listed by generic name
Quick reference to answer general drug information questions
Drug shortage information available in Lexi-Drugs
Online version is in the Lexicomp database as Lexi-Drugs
Drug Interaction Facts
Access through Facts & Comparisons database in the Interactions tab
Includes information about drug-drug and drug-food interactions
Information organized in alphabetically listing of the mechanism(s), clinical significance, and management of drug interactions
Gold standard for FDA-approved products only – for herbs and other non-FDA-approved medications use Natural Medicines database
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Drug Interactions
Drug Prescribing in Renal Failure: Dosing Guidelines for Adults and Children
Renal dosing for patients with renal disease, including those on hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis
Information organized in table format
Available as a print book at the HSHSL
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Renal Failure
Access through Micromedex by general search by product name and clicking on the “In-Depth-Answers” tab of the monograph
Lists extensive drug information in monograph format
Well-referenced and comprehensive information
Includes NDC numbers and detailed manufacturer contact information
Contains information on foreign drugs and their manufacturers
Adverse drug reaction information is supported by published case reports and clinical trials
Drug monographs include renal dosing information
Gold standard for storage/stability information for non-injectable drugs
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Adverse Effects
General Information
Manufacturer Information
Renal Failure
Stability & Compatibility
Drug-Induced Diseases: Prevention, Detection, and Management
Reference book, organized by body system
Regulatory and legal information about drug safety
Ebook available through HSHSL
Access through Micromedex via Drug Interactions tool
Database includes information about drug-drug, drug-food, drug-pregnancy/lactation, and drug-laboratory interactions
Convenient to use format allows searching for interactions among multiple drugs
Gold standard for FDA-approved products only – for herbs and other non-FDA-approved medications use Natural Medicines database
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Drug Interactions
Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation: Treatment Options and Risk Assessment
Guidance on the use of drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Organized by therapeutic class
Previous edition (2nd, 2007) available as an ebook and print book from the HSHSL
Drugs in Pregnancy & Lactation
The most complete resource for information on use of drugs in pregnant and breastfeeding women
Well-referenced summaries of clinical studies; focus on data from human studies
Available as a print book and ebook (by G. G. Briggs) and in the Lexicomp database (under More Clinical Tools > Indexes)
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Pregnancy & Lactation
Free version contains similar features to Micromedex and Lexicomp – monographs, interaction and identification tools, and more
Professional version contains more detailed information
Freely available online
European Drug Index
Published by European Society of Clinical Pharmacy
Directory of drug products available in Europe by trade and generic name
Includes product ingredients, dosage strengths, and manufacturer
Older edition (2nd, 1992) available as a print book at the HSHSL
Exotic Animal Formulary
Drug formulary for exotic animals
Recommended indications and dosages for drugs, information on diagnosing diseases
Not available from the HSHSL
Extemporaneous Formulations for Pediatric, Geriatric and Special Needs Patients
Published by ASHP
Formulations for nonsterile compounds, especially oral products that are not commercially available
Available as an ebook from the HSHSL
Extended Stability for Parenteral Drugs
Published by ASHP
Monographs on parenteral drugs
Information on extended drug stability
Database version available online through the HSHSL, as well as an ebook of the 7th edition (2022)
FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine
Information on animal drugs, food, and medical devices from the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)
Freely available online
FDA Drug Shortages
Database of drug shortages maintained by the FDA
Freely available online
Searchable compilation of adverse drug events from FDA's MedWatch, FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS), Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience (MAUDE), and Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
Openly available online
Gahart’s Intravenous Medications: A Handbook for Nurses and Health Professionals
Now published by Elsevier
Monographs on over 400 IV drugs
Updated annually
2019 edition available as an ebook through the HSHSL
Geriatric Dosage Handbook (aka Geriatric Lexi-Drugs)
A pocket-sized reference for drug dosage in geriatric patients
Includes dosage recommendations for patients with renal and hepatic failure\
Available as a print book at the HSHSL and online in the UpToDate Lexidrug database (as Geriatric Lexi-Drugs)
Goldfrank’s Toxicologic Emergencies
Discusses clinical implications of toxicity and poisoning
Case-based presentation highlights medical management of toxicity and poisoning.
Available as an ebook in AccessPharmacy and as a print book at the HSHSL
Goldman-Cecil Medicine
A comprehensive medical reference with information about the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of disease states
Formerly known as Cecil Textbook of Medicine
Previous edition (25th, 2016) available as a print book from the HSHSL, 26th edition (2020) available as a print book from Towson University through request
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Diseases & Diagnoses
Goodman & Gilman's Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
A comprehensive reference with information about the pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, and therapeutic applications of medications
Chapters are organized by drug class
Available online in AccessPharmacy
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Guide to Diagnostic Tests
Reference guide on common diagnostic and lab tests
Available as an ebook in AccessPharmacy
Handbook of Basic Pharmacokinetics
A quick reference guide for clinicians who need concise information on the pharmacokinetic characteristics of specific drugs
Features profiles of more than 600 drugs
Available as a print book from other Maryland libraries through request at the HSHSL
Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs
A comprehensive resource for nonprescription drugs and self-care
Includes information about pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments, preventative measures, herbal products and homeopathic remedies
Organized by disease system and body systems
Includes algorithms for assessment, therapy, and monitoring
Available as a print book from the HSHSL
Gold Standard in the Following Categories:
Nonprescription Drugs
Harriet Lane Handbook
A well-respected manual on drug use in pediatric patients
Focuses on the safety and efficacy of drugs in children
Includes step-by-step emergency management protocols and growth charts
21st edition (2018) available as a print book from the HSHSL; 22nd edition (2021) available from Towson University through request at the HSHSL
Gold Standard in the Following Categories: