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Baltimore MD 21201-1512

Reference: 410-706-7996
Circulation: 410-706-7928

Staff Profile

Mary Ann Williams, MSLS

Mary Ann H. Williams, MSLS

Research and Education Librarian
School of Dentistry Librarian
410 706 8863

Current Role at UMB

Mary Ann Williams is the Research and Education Librarian for the School of Dentistry. She teaches students, faculty, and staff how to find the most useful and reliable information for course assignments, research, and patient care. Mary Ann has many years of experience in literature searching and also collaborates on systematic and scoping reviews. Mary Ann has a special interest in health literacy and its relationship to better patient care. She teaches health literacy related library workshops which are open to all members of the UMB community.


Education and Certifications

  • M.S.L.S, Library & Information Science, The Catholic University of America
  • B.A., Biology, Caldwell College

Professional Interests

Health Literacy and Clear Communication

Literature Searching

Systematic and Scoping Reviews



SCOPUS Author ID: 7410001905

