The HSHSL is a part of the University of Maryland, Baltimore | My UMB The Elm UM Shuttle Blackboard
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601 West Lombard Street
Baltimore MD 21201-1512

Reference: 410-706-7996
Circulation: 410-706-7928

UnMasking a Pandemic: Stories from UMB during COVID-19 Story Survey

* - Indicates required fields.

Your Information
(Please use an UMB or UMM account. We will only contact you if we have questions.)
Submission Information
Please describe your items, including locations, event, dates, and names of people included (if known). If you do not have files to upload, use this space to tell your story. Please see UMB Digital Archive License Agreement page for copyright/licensing restrictions.
File Uploads
Please name your files in a descriptive manner, ie. Not IMG009.jpg BUT UMMCHerosSign.jpg. If you have a lot of files or files larger than 10MB, please contact Tara Wink.
(to prove you are a human)