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Historical Collections

The Ferencz Collection

The Ferencz Collection was donated to the library by Dr. Charlotte Ferencz, professor emeritus at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in the departments of Pediatrics, and of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. Dr. Ferencz, an avid Health Sciences and Human Services Library supporter, was also an influential figure in the field of congenital heart disease research, and many of the volumes in her collection reflect that focus. The collection also contains works by Dr. Ferencz and unprocessed manuscript materials from her research. The collection dates from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

The Ferencz Collection is open for research but closed to donations or transfers.


Related Links and Collections:

Parts of the Ferencz Collection have been digitized and are available in the Digital Archive.

Ferencz Collection highlights.

Dr. Charlotte Ferencz, 1921-2016

Dr. Charlotte FerenczDr. Charlotte Ferencz was born in Budapest, Hungary, on October 28, 1921. She attended McGill University, graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in 1944, a Doctor of Medicine and Master of Surgery degree in 1945, and a Diploma in Pediatrics in 1951. After graduation, she worked at the Children's Memorial Hospital in Montreal as a research fellow in the Cardiology department-her first exposure to pediatric cardiology.

In 1970, Dr. Ferencz earned a master's degree in public health from Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Ferencz came to the University of Maryland in 1973 and held dual positions in the Department of Pediatrics and the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine. From 1981 to 1989, she was the principal investigator for the Baltimore-Washington Infant Study, funded by the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute, a position that allowed her to conduct the most intensive and consequential research of her career. Findings from this study were published in 1993 in the series Perspectives in Pediatric Cardiology. In 2014, Dr. Ferencz collaborated with the Health Sciences and Human Services Library to develop and launch the website Congenital Heart Disease, a Public Health Perspective, which presents an overview of the study and its findings.

Dr. Ferencz was an avid supporter of the HSHSL. She donated her collection in 2008 and was awarded the Theodore Woodward Library Award, the Library's most prestigious award, that same year. She was also interviewed for an oral history in 2010. Dr. Ferencz passed away in 2016.


Additional Biographical Links:

A more extensive biography on Dr. Charlotte Ferencz is available in the Digital Archive.

Additional biographical information is also available in the Ferencz Collection in the Digital Archive.