Digital Jigsaw Puzzles From the HS/HSL Historical Collections

Library Puzzle in progress; photograph is of the Health Sciences and Human Services Library at night.

Screen capture of one of the Puzzles available in the HS/HSL virtual puzzle collection.

According to articles by NPR and the Washington Post, jigsaw puzzles are in high demand and almost impossible to find right now.  Try to order a puzzle from Ravensberger, the world’s largest creator of jigsaw puzzles, right now and you’ll get the following message, “Due to unexpected demand, we are unable to fulfill orders at this time.”  Retail stores cannot get them in stock or keep them stocked. The HS/HSL has good news and we can help with this shortage!  We have selected images from our very own historical collections and turned them into virtual puzzles for free!  There are puzzles for a variety of interest: botanicals, animals, sports, campus buildings, etc.  Because these puzzles are online, you can choose the difficulty and the puzzle shape and even challenge friends and family anywhere to see who can complete the puzzle in the shortest time.

Davidge Hall Puzzle in Progress; Puzzle is a sketch of Davidge Hall, the oldest building on the University of Maryland, Baltimore's Campus.

Screen capture of the Davidge Hall Puzzle in progress from the HS/HSL’s virtual puzzle collection.

Interested in learning about any of the images found in these puzzles?  Contact the Historical Collections Librarian and Archivist for more information. 

Link to the HSHSL Puzzles:

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