#ColorOurCollections at the HSHSL

Color Our Collections Heading, Image of two Men in 17th or 18th century attire coloring at a table. Image includes date of event February 1-5, 2021.

Every February since 2016, the New York Academy of Medicine hosts the #ColorOurCollections event meant to highlight the diverse images in the form of coloring sheets and books from libraries, archives, and other cultural institutions. This year the HSHSL Historical Collections Department is proud to be part of the event, which occurs February 1-5, 2021.  Join in the festivities by downloading the HSHSL’s very own coloring book and sharing your masterpieces using the #ColorOurCollections and by sharing with the HSHSL (@UMBHSHSL) on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.  We look forward to seeing your artwork!

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