The Library Genie Responds


When the HS/HSL’s Library Genie asked for your top three library wishes last October, dozens of you let him know. We are happy to tell you that the Library has granted several of your wishes.

  1. You asked for water bottle fountains – The Library will be installing them on every floor.
  2. You asked for a charging station for your devices – A charging station will be arriving soon.
  3. You asked for more comfortable furniture – We will be ordering new comfy chairs that you can roll around to your favorite spot.
  4. Bonus wishes – Additional rolling white boards are being ordered, and Wi-Fi will be boosted throughout the building.

Thank you for all of your suggestions to the Library Genie. We appreciate your input and support.

Funding for the Library Genie wishes comes from one-time unexpended annual and fund-balance allocations.

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