The Library Genie is Back! What Are Your 3 Library Wishes?


The Library Genie is back! Last year he asked for your 3 library wishes and you responded. We can happily say that 3 library wishes were granted.

  1. You asked for early morning hours. HS/HSL is now open at 6:00AM Monday-Friday!
  2. You asked for later hours on Saturday and earlier hours on Sunday. HS/HSL now closes at 8:00PM on Saturdays and opens at 8:00AM on Sundays!
  3. You asked for more large monitors in the study rooms. We installed 5 more monitors!

The Library Genie will be accepting wishes from October 1 to 31.

  • Are there any new technologies you would like to see the Library offer?
  • What about resources and services the Library could provide?
  • How could the Library better assist you with your research, education or clinical needs?

Now is your chance to let us know. Submit your 3 wishes to the Library Genie today! Your wishes will be anonymous, but if you’d be willing to talk more with us about your wishes you can include your name and e-mail address.

Thanks for your input and happy wishing!

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