Expertise, Resources, Place – HS/HSL Strategic Plan, 2015-2020

Two years and 500 conversations later, the HS/HSL is proud to introduce its new strategic plan – Expertise, Resources, Place. Following a template similar to the one used to develop the University’s plan, the new library plan used an “outside-in” technique, gathering input via “strategic listening” tours, focus groups, and town hall and individual meetings. These sessions and meetings informed the development of four themes.

These four major themes – Research, Teaching and Learning, Community, and Place – expose how the HS/HSL will intersect with those areas and with users from within the university and beyond. The plan acknowledges the Library as a cultural institution with a unique place within the university. Additionally, the plan’s “Strategies for Success” provide a roadmap for building capacity to achieve our Vision:

“We will create a dynamic, collaborative, and innovative knowledge environment focused on excellence in expertise, service, and resource access and creation, relevant to and advancing university priorities. We will also advance the library as a vibrant intellectual and cultural hub for the university.”

Library faculty also vetted the plan in order to apply the plan to divisional operational objectives, measurable outcomes, and personal development plans.

“We see our plan providing a solid foundation for growth and change. The methodology we used to develop the plan can be applied to provide a framework for future modifications in response to changes in our environment and our community,” commented M.J. Tooey, Executive Director, HS/HSL and Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs.

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