Want to use the Innovation Space but forgot to make a reservation? No worries! Stop by during our new walk-in hours: Monday through Friday, 2:00 – 4:30 PM. Innovation Space staff will be there to answer your questions in person and show you how innovative tools such as our 3D printers, 3D scanners, button maker, and Google Cardboard viewers work.
Have a project that needs software for graphic design, video and audio editing, 3D modeling, or photography? We’ve got you covered! The Innovation Space just launched a Mac Pro with all the specs you need.
- Adobe Creative Cloud, includes:
- Adobe Acrobat (pdf editor)
- Adobe After Effects (visual effects)
- Adobe Audition (audio)
- Adobe Illustrator (vector graphics)
- Adobe InDesign (publications)
- Adobe Photoshop (raster graphics)
- Adobe Premiere Pro (video editor)
- Audacity (audio)
- Blender (animation, modeling, video, etc.)
- HandBrake (video transcoding)
- SketchUp (modeling)
- Slicer (medical imaging)
- xld (audio decoder)
- and more!
Our multimedia Mac Pro is available on a first-come-first-served basis – no reservation required! See a staff member from the Innovation Space or theĀ Information ServicesĀ Desk to get logged in.