A new multimedia Mac Pro is now available on a first-come-first-served basis – no reservation required. See a staff member from the Innovation Space or the Information Services Desk to get logged in. Some experience with the software is highly recommended, though we do provide a guide for support and have staff members that can answer questions.
- Adobe Cloud software includes:
- Adobe Acrobat (pdf editor)
- Adobe After Effects (visual effects)
- Adobe Audition (audio)
- Adobe Illustrator (vector graphics)
- Adobe InDesign (publications)
- Adobe Photoshop (raster graphics)
- Adobe Premiere Pro (video editor)
- As well as:
- Audacity (audio)
- Blender (animation, modeling, video, etc.)
- HandBrake (video transcoding)
- SketchUp (modeling)
- Slicer (medical imaging)
- xld (audio decoder)
- and more!