Historical Collection: Cordell Poem “The Library”

In celebration of National Poetry Month and National Library Week, we would like to share a poem that was found in our Historical Collection.  The poem was written by Martha Cordell Jeffers.  Jeffers was the daughter of Dr. Eugene F. Cordell, the first official Librarian at UMB and a Professor of the History of Medicine.  We like to think this poem was inspired by him.

The Library

As evening shadows fall across the walls
And twilight makes its usual call
He wanders down sweet memory lane
To reminisce with his friends again
He sits in deepest reverie
A book is resting on his knee
And as he turns the pages back
He sees, a dingy dusty spot
Where spiders weave their canopies
On books that seem to plead their urgent need
And this is where he first met these
Lets close the book and forward go
Come let me lead you to your goal
At last they rest on polished shelves
Their colors like the autumn leaves
Red, brown, and some are emerald green
Their wealth is there for all to share thru out the years
The evening star will soon appear
And it is time to say fare-well
He waves good bye and with a smile
Whispers yes, I’m satisfied


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