The HSHSL will continue as a Regional Medical library from 2021-2026 in the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM). The HSHSL will also headquarter the Network Web Services Office (NWSO) for the NNLM, serving all seven of the NNLM regions. This prestigious cooperative agreement is overseen by the National Library of Medicine at NIH and will be worth almost $10M over the five years. The NNLM mission is to improve health by providing access to biomedical and health information, through awards and training, to everyone from researchers and public health workers to members of the public. Members include not only libraries and information professionals but also public health departments and community groups with interests in health and health care.
As one of UMB’s longest running awards, for over 35 years, the HSHSL served as the regional headquarters for the Southeastern Atlantic (SEA) Region of the NNLM, encompassing ten states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and DC. This year, the NNLM realigned and reduced the number of regions. The new Region 1 includes DC, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia from the former SEA region. Delaware, Kentucky, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania are the new regional colleagues. The HSHSL looks forward to developing collegial and effective relationships within the region and across the other six regions within the NNLM.