Tag Archives: William Woodville
Common Holiday Spices, Flavors, and Nuts and their Traditional Medicinal Qualities
The holiday and winter seasons have common ingredients, usually with bold, warming flavors. The holiday bread, cookie, and cake recipes call for spices and flavorings like nutmeg, ginger, vanilla, and clove or nuts like walnuts and almonds. Historically however, these ingredients were prescribed for a variety of ailments in botanicals and herbals. Continue reading
A Look at Winter Fruits and their Medicinal Qualities from Select Historical Botanicals
Lemons, oranges, pomegranates, these are all fruits associated with winter and the holiday season. Today we eat them as desserts or in desserts or in cocktails. These fruits bring a sense of freshness to the winter months. While today these fruits are important for a balanced and flavorful diet; in the 17th through the early 19th centuries, these fruits were often prescribed in botanicals for a variety of medicinal purposes. Botanicals are a form of book published to illustrate plant species and their medicinal value. The HSHSL’s Historical Collections Department is home to a large collection of Botanicals as part of our historic Pharmacy Collection. These volumes were used by the early UMB schools to teach pharmacists and doctors the value of plants for medicinal purposes. Continue reading
Celebrate the end of the academic year with a gift from the HS/HSL!
It’s the end of the semester, during a global pandemic, things are stressful for everyone, everywhere! We at the HS/HSL hope this delightful coloring book of charming botanical images from our Historical Collections will help to ease stress and anxiety. … Continue reading