Category Archives: Teaching
Meet Your Librarian!
Did you know that each school has a librarian dedicated to working with its faculty, staff, and students? What your librarian can do for you: Consult with you to assist with literature searching and research Collaborate on comprehensive literature searches … Continue reading
Enhancing Patient Outcomes through Clear Health Communication
Are you aware of your patients’ ability to understand and act on the information you give them? There is evidence that health care providers overestimate what patients are able to understand. Low health literacy is associated with higher mortality, higher … Continue reading
Enhancing Patient Outcomes through Clear Health Communication
Are you aware of your patients’ ability to understand and act on the information you give them? There is evidence that health care providers overestimate what patients are able to understand. Low health literacy is associated with higher mortality, higher … Continue reading
Register Now for the First Annual UMB Teaching With Technology Day!
Join colleagues for a day focused on effective ways technology can be used in higher education. Continue reading