How do I write a data management plan? Where should I share my research data? How can I make a graph like I saw in a journal article? To these and other questions, CDABS may have the answers.
The Center for Data and Bioinformation Services (CDABS) is the HSHSL’s hub for data and bioinformation learning, services, resources, and communication. We offer a comprehensive range of services for working with data at each stage of your research project, from do-it-yourself guides and tutorials to interactive workshops and personalized consultations.
CDABS offers:
- Support for writing NIH-compliant Data Management and Sharing Plans, including expert feedback on plans
- Instruction in R and Python programming
- The UMB Data Catalog, which provides descriptions of datasets from UMB researchers
- Facilitated access to special datasets, repositories, and data management tools, such as All of Us, ICPSR, and OSF
- Free and individualized consultations on a wide range of topics, such as choosing a data repository, finding secondary datasets, developing file-naming schemes, and visualizing data
Visit the CDABS web portal to quickly and easily navigate the many data and bioinformation related resources and services we provide at the HSHSL, as well as those on campus and beyond.
For questions, contact your Data Services Librarians Amy Yarnell and Irmarie Fraticelli at data@hshsl.umaryland.edu.