In the last Connective Issues, I announced that I would be retiring on December 31. I am still retiring. I have been humbled by the avalanche of good wishes from across UMB and appreciate each and every one of them. As I’ve been attempting to clean out 36 years of files and office stuff, I am constantly reminded of what a wonderful career I have had here at UMB, taking more trips down Memory Lane than I care to admit. I wish I could count those trips toward my step goals!
One truth that has emerged is that what matters most is the people. I have had the joy of working with some amazing people across the university, and it warms my heart to remember them. Among those special people are the staff and faculty of the HSHSL, who have trusted me to lead them over the years. It is an easy thing to do when you are part of a creative and committed team dedicated to providing an information and knowledge infrastructure for any and every endeavor at UMB. Those people are the HSHSL – not the bricks and mortar, or the books and journals. If I have any regrets, it has been that I have not been able to stabilize and increase the HSHSL resources budget. There is an article further down about the next round of major cuts we will have to make based on a flat resources budget that has not increased in a decade. Maybe the next dean will have better luck with that.
To support the wonderful team at the HSHSL, my husband and I have established the Tooey/Huffman Professional Development Endowment for Library Faculty and Staff Professional Development. A long name for a simple concept. In order for the HSHSL faculty and staff to stay on top of our professional game, we need to grow skills and equip the team for the fast-evolving world of knowledge work. If you are interested in supporting the HSHSL, you can donate online at the university’s giving page. For information about each HSHSL fund, please visit our website.
I think it is going to take a long time for me to stop referring to the HSHSL in terms of “we” and “us.” Lots of people have asked about my plans. I don’t have plans, but I have lots of ideas and curiosity to accompany those ideas. Travel, our family (including our amazing granddaughter), gardening, learning, election work, sleeping in – I am only limited by my imagination!
Please take good care of the HSHSL. Embrace what it stands for and does − and support it! Thank you for the privilege of being here.